Smart Life

Drone Fleet Acts As Security Detail When You Demand It

Fleetlights Drones Direct Line

In the near future, affording a security detail could mean summoning a fleet of drones. UK insurer Direct Line demonstrated how drones could serve as streetlights, lighting the way for pedestrians and potentially helping them spot trouble just in time to duck #actionmagic

Direct Line thought of this scenario for a marketing campaign, but the software to make it possible is open source and could be used to turn it into reality. If this happens, drones would stay in a hangar until a user summons them to help him out. Then, they’d use the GPS in the phone to track him and serve as streetlight in dodgy neighbourhoods or unlit country roads.

The drones’ lights should keep a person out of harm’s way, at least if it comes in the form of an animal or ditch. Where humans are involved, it could draw unwanted attention. Of course, the fleet of drones would be able to help with search & rescue missions, too.

In the right hands, these drones could provide a strengthened sense of security. Here’s how the technology would work:

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