
Elon Musk Invites Trump Back on Twitter

If Elon Musk’ acquisition of Twitter becomes reality, SpaceX CEO said he’d welcome back Donald Trump with open arms on Twitter despite the 2021 controversial ban.

During a live automotive conference, Musk didn’t shy away from saying that banning Trump from Twitter was a mistake that he’d rectify immediately: “Banning Trump from Twitter will not end Trump’s voice. It will amplify it among the right, and that is why it is morally wrong and flat-out stupid.”

The billionaire continued saying that Twitter has a strong left bias currently and it should “be much more even-handed.” However, he is aware that at the moment these are just opinions as the deal isn’t official yet.

“I will say that I don’t own Twitter yet, so this is not a thing that will definitely happen, because what if I don’t own Twitter? But my opinion, and Jack Dorsey, I want to be clear, shares this opinion, is that we should not have perma-bans.”

Dorsey is apparently encouraging Elon Musk’s vision for Twitter as he tweeted that “permanent bans are a failure of ours and don’t work:”

But wanting Trump back and forgiving his misdeeds doesn’t mean we’ll actually see the former President of America on Twitter soon. Trump was adamant that he would be staying on Truth Social, even if he got his Twitter account back.

Donald Trump was permanently banned from Twitter after the January 2021 insurrection for encouraging his followers to commit violent acts.

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Elon Musk Invites Trump Back on Twitter

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