
Epic Games To Launch Browser App That Lets You Create CGI Humans

Fancy dipping your toes into character creation? Now, you can – straight from your browser! Epic Games made developing CGI Humans a breeze.

This year, Epic Games is set to release a browser app called MetaHuman Creator that will allow any creative soul (or game studio) to develop human models, complete with facial expressions, and animations.

The developer says the Unreal Engine animations created by browser users will be compatible with the motion capture techniques already here. The app would cut down the time it takes developing a character as well as facilitate the creative process by ensuring that the resulting metahumans look and act natural.

As with all technological advancements that have the ability to mimic natural processes as well as humans, there is the risk of this app falling into the wrong hands. I mwan, anyone will pretty much have access to it.

But the saving grace might be in the video game-like look of the characters. As incredible as they look, I think no one would mistake them for real people:

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Epic Games To Launch Browser App That Lets You Create CGI Humans

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