epson printer

Epson Stops Making Laser Printers, Gives Flimsy Sustainability Excuse

In a move that would make any printer owner eyeroll, Epson announced that they’ll stop making laser printers and said the decision was made in the name of “sustainability“.

The famous printer maker announced that, by 2026, they’ll stop the sale and distribution of laser printers and used a flimsy green-washing reasoning that doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny.

“As a company we’re totally committed to sustainable innovation and action, and inkjets simply use less energy and fewer consumable parts. While laser printers work by heating and fusing toner to a page, Epson’s Heat-Free inkjet technology consumes less electricity by using mechanical energy to fire ink onto the page,” said Epson sales and marketing manager Koichi Kubota.

However, Epson was quickly called out both by TheRegister and Reddit users, saying that the company was caught bricking still-functioning products to push consumers into either replacing them or going to an authorized repair shop. 

Considering regular inkjet printers are famous for having cartridges that dry if you use them rarely and that ink cartridges are pretty much the only way for companies like Epson to turn a profit, the reasoning the company gave sounds very flimsy. 

What is more sustainable, a laser printer that uses a tiny amount of plastic to print but works forever or an inkjet printer which forces you to throw away dried cartridges twice a year and, in some cases, is cheaper to throw away than buy a new cartridge? For those who look for sustainable, cost-effective technology, the answer wouldn’t be one Epson would like.

Also read: What Can You Do With An Old Android Phone? Here’s 20 Great Ideas to Repurpose Old Devices

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Epson Stops Making Laser Printers, Gives Flimsy Sustainability Excuse

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