
Facebook Hits Apple Ahead of WWDC, Shows Creators How Much Money They Lose To Apple

The Facebook-Apple war intensifies with the pettiest move yet!

Just one hour before the start of WWDC 21, Apple’s major event, Mark Zuckerberg took to his Facebook wall to announce a major move against Apple.

From now on, Facebook will show creators just how much money they’re losing in fees to Apple and Google – and why they should stay in Facebook’s ecosystem.

The biggest news?

“To help more creators make a living on our platforms, we’re going to keep paid online events, fan subscriptions, badges, and our upcoming independent news products free for creators until 2023,” announced Zuckerberg on his wall.

Facebook’s leader also couldn’t resist sneaking in an additional jab.

“And when we do introduce a revenue share, it will be less than the 30% that Apple and others take,” he added.

In the comments, Zuckerberg also revealed the new payout interface that will let creators “see how different companies’ fees and taxes are impacting their earnings.”

While he said more info should follow soon, The Verge has a screenshot of the new interface, which shows a breakdown of estimated earnings for creators – and exactly how much in fees they will pay out to Apple and Google.

As you can see, the sums are pretty substantial.

How much is Facebook getting? Obviously, that number is $0, so the company can highlight their investment into creators’ well-being.

Understandably, Apple said nothing yet, as no doubt the company is all eyes focused on hosting WWDC.

We’ll update this news with their response when and if they decide to retaliate.

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Facebook Hits Apple Ahead of WWDC, Shows Creators How Much Money They Lose To Apple

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