
Facebook Now Allows You To Unsend Messages


Let’s be honest here, how many times did you send a message via Facebook Messenger that you wish you really hadn’t? How many times did you accidentally send one to the wrong person, or to the wrong group? I bet a few of us have some interesting stories about these sort of incidents.

To make sure we never have to go through these mishaps again, Facebook has finally rolled out an ‘unsend’ feature for Facebook Messenger.

The messages can be removed from both individual chats as well as group conversations and the users can choose if they want to delete the message just from their side of the conversation by choosing “Remove for you“, or also for the person they sent it to by pressing “Remove for everyone“.

You’ve got a 10 minute window from the time you’ve sent the message to delete it. Unfortunately, the other people in the conversation will be alerted that a message has been removed and can still report that message to Facebook.

The new feature is available on the latest versions of Messenger on both iOS and Android.

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