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Finally, The FDA Says A Lab Grown Meat Is Safe For Human Consumption

After years of reading about lab-grown meat, one might be very near launch, as the FDA just said Upside Foods’ product is safe.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) just completed its first pre-market consultation for a human food made from cultured animal cells and found it safe for human food.

While this is not an FDA approval, it is the first time the regulatory body found no issues with this type of food.

However, for lab-grown meat to enter the US market, UPSIDE Foods still has to meet other federal requirements, including a grant of inspection from the United States Department of Agriculture Food Safety and Inspection Service (USDA-FSIS).

“We evaluated the information UPSIDE Foods submitted to the agency and have no further questions at this time about the firm’s safety conclusion. The firm will use animal cell culture technology to take living cells from chickens and grow the cells in a controlled environment to make the cultured animal cell food.  

The FDA’s pre-market consultation with the firm included an evaluation of the firm’s production process and the cultured cell material made by the production process, including the establishment of cell lines and cell banks, manufacturing controls, and all components and inputs. 

The voluntary pre-market consultation is not an approval process. Instead, it means that after our careful evaluation of the data and information shared by the firm, we have no further questions at this time about the firm’s safety conclusion,” says the FDA. 

According to them, they’re closely coordinating with USDA-FSIS to ensure that Upside Foods’ lab-grown chicken and other products, like food made from cultured seafood cells, are safe for consumption.

There’s no word when lab-grown meat will be available on the shelves but it’s worth noting that Singapore was the first country to approve it – specifically the cultured meat from Eat Just, who also makes plant-based meat alternatives similar to those from companies like Beyond.

Notably, Eat Just’s lab-grown chicken doesn’t involve killing any chickens. Instead, they source cells from other methods, like biopsies on live chickens.

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Finally, The FDA Says A Lab Grown Meat Is Safe For Human Consumption

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