Smart Life

Google’s Levi Smart Jacket Will Alert You If You Left Your Phone Behind

Project Jaquard

Project Jaquard was announced by Google in collaboration with Levi earlier this year and was released for sale in September, with a price tag of $350.

The jacket was developed by Google’s Advanced Technology and Projects (ATAP) group over a period of two years.

It has touch-sensitive threads that allow the user to find out the time, play their favorite songs and answer or reject calls. All one has to do is use one of the four different gestures that work for each function.

Since its release, the jacket got even smarter with a new mode called “Always Together“, which is designed specifically to remind users not to leave their phone behind. Or one’s jacket, because the feature works both ways.

The alert will be triggered when the phone and jacket are far away from each other – the phone will receive a notification if the jacket is left somewhere. On the other hand, the jacket’s tag will illuminate and vibrate if the phone is too far away.

While the new feature comes quite some time after the jacket’s release, it’s an interesting feature nonetheless and it looks like the future where tech and clothing will co-exist in peaceful symbiosis is not too far away from us after all.

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