
iLint Train Powered By Hydrogen Cell Aced Its First Test

coradia ilint train

A zero-emission commute? It’s not just only possible, but quite probable given manufacturers’ interest in electrical vehicles. We’re not talking only about cars, either. iLint hydrogen-powered train just aced its first test run in Germany #automagic

Coradia iLint, the train developed by Alstom, a sustainable rail maker, reached its destination at a speed of 50 miles per hour. That might not seem much but Alstom guarantees that at full speed, the train can hit 87 miles per hour. The best thing about this alternative mode of transportation is not the speed it can reach but the positive impact on the environment.

See, Coradia iLint runs on a fuel cell made of stored hydrogen and oxygen pulled from the atmosphere. The resulting electricity puts the train in motion, leaving the excess to build up in large lithium-ion batteries for later usage. This means the train can pick up passengers and take them to the desired destination without waste. It’s the kind of zero emission technology the Planet (and humankind) needs in order to thrive.

The mechanism developed by Alstom makes it totally sustainable and silent, two things missing from today’s cities. If all goes well, the railway manufacturer believes the first commercial trip could take place towards the end of the year, on the Buxtehude-Bremervörde-Bremerhaven-Cuxhaven line in Lower Saxony, Germany.

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