Smart Life

Meet Leica’s New Black & White Monochrome Camera

Image: Leica

Leica is launching a Monochrom camera based on the M10’s design, three-year after Meet the release of the M10.

In terms of design and aesthetic, Leica named the M10 Monochrom the ‘black chrome’ because it is basically an M10-P with a matte finish. The company also gave up the video feature because it was not very popular among users. The design details painted in red are also missing, as Leica decided to stick with a black and white aesthetic.

Image: Leica
Image: Leica

As far as specs are concerned, the new M10 Monochrom differentiates itself by adding a new 40-megapixel black-and-white sensor. Also, the new M10 Monochrom integrates a unique sensor built especially for black-and-white photography. The new model features a 40-megapixel, full-frame chip, providing the highest resolution of any M camera. The ISO sensitivity range of 160 to 100,000 is also greater than the one available on the prior model.

Leica’s M10 Monochrom will cost approximately $8,300, offering consistent technical improvements.

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