
Metal Gear Solid Skip Accidentally Found By First-Time Player

PC: Metal Gear Solid/GOG Store

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In order to get the fastest times on any game, speedrunners spend a lot of their time theory crafting, looking for bugs, and trying to find time-saving skips. One huge skip to Metal Gear Solid was recently found, but not by the speedrunning community but by a streamer playing the game for the first time.

According to a report by VGC, a Twitch streamer named Boba was playing Metal Gear Solid for the first time. As she was playing, she found herself outside a locked door with guards shooting. However, when she respawned, she found herself on the other side of the door.

While she was unsure of what happened, Boba’s viewers informed her that she had skipped part of the game and the story in a way that speedrunners had not known existed. The speedrunning community has since figured out how to reproduce the glitch, which consists of pushing Snake’s hitbox through the door to load onto the other side.

This glitch is particularly useful to speedrunners as it “can cut speedrun times by around two and a half minutes, because it cuts out a sizeable portion of gameplay that’s needed to make Snake reach the next section.”

It is also possible that this glitch could be usable in other locations, making it particularly exciting for the speedrunning community. But even if this is the only location where it can be used, it will certainly lead to new world record times in the game.

The Metal Gear Solid speedrunning community has named the skip the “Boba Skip.”

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Metal Gear Solid Skip Accidentally Found By First-Time Player

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