
Microsoft, Google, and Amazon May Be In The Market To Acquire Video Game Developers

PC: Xbox

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Based on reporting by Video Games Chronicles on journalist Brad Sams’s findings, it appears that there may be a couple of big-deal video game company acquisitions coming down the pipeline.

This news isn’t particularly surprising, as we have recently saw large video game companies looking to acquire previously independent studios and developers. Microsoft’s acquisition of Bethesda and EA’s Codemasters are two that come to mind.

According to the report, the main players in the current acquisition search are Google, Microsoft, and Amazon. These three companies seem to be looking for independent studios to add more selling power to their subscription services. Although Nintendo and Sony are industry-leading video game companies, they are both reported to not have a big role in this rumored round of acquisitions.  

In separate reporting, it appears CD Projekt may end up being an acquisition target. Their brand has taken a huge hit due to Cyberpunk 2077‘s less than stellar launch. The report states that CD Projekt is valued at about the same as ZeniMax (Bethesda’s parent company) but the risks involved would be turning around Cyberpunk 2077’s image.

It is unclear what companies will be making moves in the near future.

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Microsoft, Google, and Amazon May Be In The Market To Acquire Video Game Developers

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