a judge with their gavel

New EU Rules Plan to Make It Easier For Individuals to Sue Manufacturers for Smart Home Devices that Don’t Work Properly

On Wednesday, the European Commission proposed a new set of rules under the “AI Liability Directive”. If adopted, they will make it easier for regular people to sue drone makers and the makers of systems that use AI. 

Furthermore, manufacturers of smart home devices careless about software or security updates could find themselves in hot water as well.

“Under the draft rules, victims can seek compensation for harm to their life, property, health and privacy due to the fault or omission of a provider, developer or user of AI technology, or for discrimination in a recruitment process using AI.

The rules lighten the burden of proof on victims with a “presumption of causality”, which means victims only need to show that a manufacturer or user’s failure to comply with certain requirements caused the harm and then link this to the AI technology in their lawsuit. Under a “right of access to evidence,” victims can ask a court to order companies and suppliers to provide information about high-risk AI systems so that they can identify the liable person and the fault that caused the damage,” reports Reuters.

Even better, the Commission also announced an update to the Product Liability Directive that makes owning smart home devices less of a risky investment, as they can be rendered unusable by a simple software update.

If the new rules are agreed upon by the EU countries, users will be able to sue for compensation if software updates make their smart-home products unsafe or if manufacturers don’t address cybersecurity flaws.

Also read: Ukraine: Watch How An Originally Hobby-Use Drone Drops A Grenade Through A Russian’s Sunroof

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New EU Rules Plan to Make It Easier For Individuals to Sue Manufacturers for Smart Home Devices that Don’t Work Properly

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