
Nintendo Discontinues 3DS

PC: Nintendo

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Nintendo appears to have discontinued its Nintendo 3DS line of consoles.

According to a report by The Verge, Nintendo Japan’s website lists the 3DS line as “out of production.” Nintendo US’s website, on the other hand, does not list the consoles in any way besides a support link. There seems to have been no official announcement.

The 3DS and its offshoots were hugely successful consoles, selling over 75 million units since its release in 2011. Some extremely popular games like Animal Crossing: New Leaf and Pokémon Sun and Moon are console exclusives. Other games, like The Legend of Zelda: Ocarine of Time 3D and The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask 3D, are the newest remakes of some older classic titles.

Up until the Switch, Nintendo had traditionally been successful in both the handheld console and home console markets. However, with the Switch being able to be both, having a purely handheld console seemed redundant. With the release of the Switch Lite, the writing was on the wall for the 3DS.

You will likely still be able to purchase the Nintendo 3DS console for now. However, once stock runs out at retail stores, you’ll be out of luck.

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