
Nintendo Previews “Switch Fit” With New Accessories

Nintendo’s biggest news often comes from their Nintendo Directs. The most recent one happened only a few days ago, but it seems like the game company left off one exciting announcement. In an announcement one day after their September Direct, Nintendo teased their latest fitness-based game.

Although no image of the actual game was shown in the trailer, families were seen using 2 previously unrevealed Switch accessories. The first is a circular band the user holds like a steering wheel. It can be compressed slightly with force, but otherwise its uses are unclear. The second is a band that goes around a player’s leg. Both hold one of the Switch’s joy-con controllers.

While the many potential uses of the controllers have yet to be explained fully, the families used them for various fitness-based activities. Some were stretching, others were doing ab exercises, and even others seemed to dance. Based on this, the joy-con’s accelerometer and gyroscope will likely factor into the game and how it tracks the movements that you do.

Because of the fitness-based activities shown in the trailer, the internet community has affectionately named the new game “Switch Fit” as a play on the hugely successful Wii Fit. However, no official title was given to the game or accessories.

More information will be coming out on September 12th. On that day, hopefully we’ll see the full extent of “Switch Fit.”

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