
People In Norway Will Travel Through “Floating” Underwater Tunnels


Folks in Norway are no strangers to underwater tunnels. The rough terrain makes it hard for authorities to build typical bridges so they have to use the 35 submerged tunnels in existence to get by. Now, life is going to get even better as the country is planning to build floating tunnels to ease the congestion off ferries #automagic

The floating tunnels are going to be suspended by pontoon-like support structures at 100 feet below water. People will be able to move by car, on the two lanes of traffic that will be available there. Each pontoon will then be bolted to the bedrock below or otherwise secured to avoid terrible accidents.

Before this, in order to get from Kristiansand to Trondheim (680 miles), for example, people had to endure 21 hours switching 7 ferries and waiting around. With these tunnels, though, the trip could be made in just 10 hours by 2035.

All problems are caused, unfortunately, by the country’s fjords and difficult terrain, so they won’t disappear anytime soon. At least, this $25 billion tunnel project could melt the tension.

source: The Next Web



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