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People Spent 30% More Time on Mobile Than Before the Pandemic, A Third of Waking Hours

What to do during a lockdown? The answer for most of us has been to spend more time scrolling (and doomscrolling!) on our phones and the numbers do track.

According to mobile-analytics company App Annie, time spent on mobile went up by 30% in 2021 as compared to 2019, before the COVID-19 crisis and related lockdowns.

For the top 10 markets, the average time spent on mobile devices like phones and tablets was 4.8 hours a day this year, so a third of waking hours. The pandemic provided a boon to app makers as well, with global consumers downloading over 435,000 apps per minute.

“The big screen is slowly dying as mobile continues to break records in virtually every category — time spent, downloads and revenue,” said App Annie’s CEO Theodore Krantz in a statement.

However, the big screen (or bigger at least) isn’t dying anytime soon, especially if you look at PCs.

If in the last decade PC sales were on a downward trend, in 2020 they posted record growth – and 2021 saw a 30% increase over that number.

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People Spent 30% More Time on Mobile Than Before the Pandemic, A Third of Waking Hours

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