
Post-Pandemic Work Routine? Spotify Lets Employees Work from Anywhere They Want

What started as a safe work routine during the COVID-19 outbreak might become a new way of living. Spotify, at least, is convinced giving employees the freedom to choose where they would like to work is paramount in the future.

Last week, Spotify said from that point on, their employees would have the opportunity to work from home more and play around with their schedule in order to have time for family and other personal matters.

Now, the company is expanding on its new employee policy, stating that its staff will be able to decide even the country where they’d want to work from.

This is “a new way of collaborating that allows Spotifiers to work from wherever they do their best thinking and creating. Through this distributed-first mentality, we are giving employees the opportunity to elect a Work Mode—whether they’d prefer to work mostly at home or in the office—as well as their geographic location.”, Spotify explains in a blog post. 

The initiative is called Work From Anywhere and it will start this summer, leaving to the manager and its team the specifics.

What is certain is that even Spotifiers that relocated but want to work in an office-like environment will be able to as Spotify will allocate ” a co-working space membership”.

Although this is the boldest take on #workfromhome we’ve seen so far, several companies have shown their support for this new way of living, from Facebook to Square Enix.

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Post-Pandemic Work Routine? Spotify Lets Employees Work from Anywhere They Want

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