
Project Aero Is Adobe’s New Augmented Reality Tool

Adobe is jumping in the augmented reality train. On June 4, the company spoke about their newest endeavor, Project Aero.

Aero is a tool for creating AR graphics. In the demo video above, you can see how designers start with graphics from Photoshop CC as well as Dimension CC and subsequently export them as a Project Aero file.

The software finalizes the AR elements of the design via tablet, while employing the device’s camera to help the user preview the changes in augmented reality space.

The actual graphic created in the demo video will be exhibited at the Festival of the Impossible, Adobe’s self marketed “first large scale immersive art exhibition”, which will take place between June 8-10 in San Francisco.

According to Adobe, every business group within the company is pitching in on the project, including Apple and Pixar. The upcoming software means that the process of building AR objects will become much easier for developers and will open up new possibilities even for the average user.

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