Smart Life

You Can Now Order A Smartwatch That Works With Body Heat


The first smartwatch to never run out of juice has started shipping to backers. Those who have supported Matrix and their Powerwatch on IndieGogo are starting to get their orders #objectmagic

Powerwatch made waves on the crowdfunding site for being the first smartwatch that solved a big problem: battery life. With wearables, especially, the longer you can keep them “alive”, the better it is. While smartphone cell batteries are getting bigger and bigger, providing more hours of functioning, smartwatches are still very much running on little power.

But Matrix came up with a watch that converts body heat into energy. While it’s at the wrist, their watch practically never runs out of power. The start-up used advanced thermoelectric generators and a pioneering thermal design to make sure every bit of heat is harvested and used to keep the watch alive. 

This is the company’s selling point actually, given the fact that the rest of the functions are pretty standard. They can be easily found at an ordinary fitness tracker. The watch monitors calories, steps and sleep, showing them to the user on a black and white dot matrix display.

The device can sync with your phone wirelessly, adjust to the local time zone and don a new face at the user’s whim. It’s also water resistant up to 50 meters. It’s selling for $169 on the official site.

In the near future, Matrix wants to explore the chance to add a GPS or heart-rate monitor to it and add a color display. They will also see if the mechanism can apply to other wearables, like Bluetooth earbuds.

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