
Snapchat April Fools’ Filter Inspired By Facebook Controversies

With the revelations on how social media giant Facebook handles your private information and the infamous Cambridge Analytica scandal, Facebook is at its lowest point and users have begun migrating to other social media platforms. While Snap Inc.’s messaging app Snapchat has mainly attracted teens and young adults, recent action indicates that they are trying to expand their user base. Not only that, Snapchat’s April Fools’ filter takes inspiration from Facebook’s controversies, potentially trying to attract users using a touch of comedy.

Snapchat’s April Fools’ filter almost appears as if it is just a way of triggering some kind of reaction from the social media giant. There is nothing discrete about a filter that turns your app into a Facebook clone, complete with a Russian-like font.

By jesting in this way, Snapchat is really riding the movement to #deletefacebook. Given Facebook has an older user base relative to Snapchat’s, this may be a way for the company to entice new users as they leave Facebook. It wouldn’t be too surprising, considering the new Snapchat ad showcases multiple generations benefiting and enjoying the software’s augmented reality features.

Edited 5/10/18

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