
Sony Invests $250 Million into Epic

PC: Business Wire

In a joint press release, Sony and Epic announced that Sony would be placing a $250 million strategic investment into Epic.

From Sony’s perspective, this move seems to solidify their already expansive gaming and entertainment portfolio. In a statement from Chairman, President and CEO of Sony Corporation Kenichiro Yoshida, he explains that “Epic’s powerful technology in areas such as graphics places them at the forefront of game engine development with Unreal Engine and other innovations. There’s no better example of this than the revolutionary entertainment experience, Fortnite.”

Similarly, Epic highlighted the partnership as one of developing, advancing and sharing entertainment technologies: “Together [Sony and Epic] strive to build an even more open and accessible digital ecosystem for all consumers and content creators alike.”

The move may be unsurprising, given the two company’s close partnership. Recently, Epic showcased a demo of Unreal Engine 5 running on PlayStation 5 hardware.

Although it is unclear what exactly the partnership will entail, it will hopefully lead to some exciting announcements in the future.  

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