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Star Wars: KOTOR II Can’t Be Finished On Nintendo Switch, Due to Game Breaking Bug After Basilisk Crash Cutscene

Most games are full of bugs at launch but  Star Wars: KOTOR II has one so serious on the Switch, it’s impossible to actually finish the game.

More and more complaints on social media revealed that Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II cannot be finished when playing on a Nintendo Switch, due to a game-breaking bug that happens after the Basilisk Crush cutscene.

Even worse, the developers of this port, made after a game first launched in 2004, seem to have been aware of this bug for a while but did nothing until social media pressure mounted.

As Kotaku noticed on Twitter, one fan asked Aspyr, the developer of the KOTOR II port, if they knew that the game could not be finished by any player.

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The company responded that “this is a known issue” they will address in the next patch, though they cannot commit to a date when it will be fixed.

Considering KOTOR II launched on Nintendo Switch on June 8, 2022, more potential buyers should be aware that the game is broken in its current state.

If you want to avoid frustration, you should wait for Aspyr to launch a patch to fix the Basilisk Crush bug.

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Star Wars: KOTOR II Can’t Be Finished On Nintendo Switch, Due to Game Breaking Bug After Basilisk Crash Cutscene

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