
Steve and Alex from Minecraft join Smash Ultimate!

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The 7th DLC fighter for Super Smash Brothers Ultimate is Steve and Alex from Minecraft! This ambitious gaming crossover was announced on October 1st with a short trailer, but today, Smash Bros. game director Masahiro Sakurai held a presentation going over the character, its moves, and more!

As with every character in Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, Sakurai and the development team took heavy inspiration from the source material and tried to remain as faithful to it as possible. Steve and Alex’s aesthetics immediately pop out as unique, with their blocky design and low resolution exterior seemingly out of place in the more cartoon-like and polished Smash aesthetics.

Their moveset is also faithful to Minecraft. Centered around mining, crafting, and building, Steve and Alex use resources they collect from the stage to improve weapons and use certain abilities. These resources can also be used to place blocks or build minecart rails, both key features in the original game.

The stage coming with this DLC pack features six different biomes from the game including the plains, snowy tundra, and birch forest. These will have breakable blocks that will not respawn after broken, leading to an interestingly moldable battle arena.

Like with the other DLC packs, there will also be Spirits released alongside it. These include Zombie, Enderman and Ghast. There will also be seven tracks total, with six as new  arrangements for Smash.

Finally, there were six Mii costumes announced alongside this DLC. They can each be bought separately for $0.75. They include Creeper, Pig, and Diamond Armor from Minecraft; Gil from The Tower of Druaga; Bomberman from Bomberman; and Travis from Travis series.

Steve and Alex will be available October 13th as part of Fighters Pass Volume 2.     

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