
Stranger Things 4 Introduces D&D Intriguing Villain

The first official trailer for Stranger Things season 4 was just released to the delight of its fans.

As the last season was launched in July 2019, fans have been extremely enthusiastic to see what the upcoming fourth season is bringing. The first part of the 4th season comes on Netflix on May 27, while the second half arrives on July 1. 

Last year, fans got what they were waiting for, a teaser in the form of season 4’s episode list, mentioning the name of one of Dungeons & Dragons most intriguing villains, Vecna.

The upcoming season is focused on the war that is about to be started by a seemingly intelligent being that lives in the Upside Down and threatens Eleven with her friends back in Hawkins, Indiana.

The newly released trailer also shows the struggle Police chief Jim Hopper is having in a Russian prison, forced to battle a Demogorgon. 

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Stranger Things 4 Introduces D&D Intriguing Villain

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