Smart Life

These Sunglasses Can Record 360 Degree Video

A new Indiegogo project promises to mix the concept of smart glasses with the functionality of an action camera. Orbi Prime are sunglasses that can capture 360-degree videos #objectmagic

The quarter pound glasses begin recording and end up editing with two physical buttons and an app. Equipped with four HD cameras and automatic stitching software, they will capture your adventures in 4K from a FPV at 30fps frame rate. Not bad, huh? The device also uses multi-layer video stabilization, so whether you’re using them while braving mountains from your bike or on foot, the final clip won’t disappoint.

After you’re done filming, the video can be stored on MicroSD card and immediately edited and shared from the companion app. The glasses will communicate effortlessly with the device thanks to built-in Wi-Fi.

Orbi Prime glasses should record up to 1 hour and a half of 360-degree video on a single charge. To recharge it again, just connect it to a Micro USb cord. The sunglasses are now crowdfunding on Indiegogo where the pledge starts from $329. If they reach the established goal, you might get one to test yourself next summer – August 2017.

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