
The Much-Talked About Magic Leap AR Glasses Are to Be Shipped This Summer

Credit: Magic Leap

Magic Leap has been the talk of the town for quite some time, raising funds for their headset from big names like Google, Alibaba and Andreessen Horowitz last year.

The mixed reality kit was unveiled months later, in December 2017 and there has been nothing much about them since, well, until now.

Demo video for the headset from the Magic Leap Official YouTube channel 

AT&T announced that it will become the exclusive wireless carrier for the Magic Leap One AR glasses. The company seems to have been chosen due to its work in building 5G connectivity.

The glasses are generating a lot of interest, especially for something that has not even been properly placed on the market yet.

The AT&T customers will be able to test the goggles in select stores when they do go on sale. The price? It was rumored back in September 2017 to be somewhere around $1,500 or even $2,000.

That already comes as a shock, considering we have not actually seen much from the headset to begin with. In addition, rumors have been going around that the tech is not actually that impressive, but until the reviews come in, no one can really say anything. The fact that the company allows customers to test it before buying it should be good news, meaning Magic Leap is confident in what it wants to deliver.

Even so, confidence aside, in order to make Magic Leap One the go-to AR headset and to justify what will most likely be a pricey investment, they still have a few hoops to jump, but we’re waiting quite excitedly to see what’s around the corner.

More about the Magic Leap accessories here: ✍Magic Leap One Headset Is Finally Here✍

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