
OnePlus 5G Phone Might Cost Up to $300 More


OnePlus has announced, during the Qualcomm Tech Summit, that not only will it be the first brand to deliver a Snapdragon 855 smartphone but it will also be among the brands that will offer a 5G smartphone in 2019.

With all that tech on board, we’re not expecting it to come in cheap. OnePlus CEO Pete Lau has stated that the 5G phone will cost a bit more than the normal price due to the specifics that still need to be worked out. With all that in mind, he estimated that the final price be up to $300 more than what we are used to from this brand.

This might come as a bit of a surprise, since OnePlus, like other Chinese smartphone brands that have become increasingly more popular in the past couple of years, did gain its reputation by offering affordable and reliable phones. But sooner or later, due to their popularity and increased reliability, that was bound to change.

Other companies that will also deliver 5G devices have remained silent about the costs, though.

Do you think it would be worth spending $200 to $300 more on a 5G OnePlus phone?

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