Homei Miyashita electric chopsticks
Smart Life

The Scientist Behind Lickable TV Introduces Electric Chopsticks That Enhance the Taste of Salt

A true health revolution that will make foodies everywhere happy?

Researchers in Japan just introduced a pair of electric chopsticks that can make you feel like the food you eat is a lot more salty.

A future gadget perfect for those monitoring their sodium intake, the electric chopsticks attach to a wristband computer and use electrical stimulation to transmit sodium ions from the food directly to your mouth.

And the best part? If you remember the insane lickable TV, the same person responsible for that concept is behind the electric chopsticks as well.

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Meiji University professor Homei Miyashita, who went viral with a lickable TV that lets you taste what you see on screen, developed these chopsticks alongside food and drink maker Kirin.

Homei Miyashita smart chopsticks sodium

According to him, the electric chopsticks can make low-sodium salts feel around 1.5 saltier. 

If you ever struggled to reduce your sodium intake, you’ll probably root for their success.

Miyashita and Kirin also hope to use the same technology for spoons and tea bowls and aim to launch a product next year.

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The Scientist Behind Lickable TV Introduces Electric Chopsticks That Enhance the Taste of Salt

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