Smart Life

This 85 Year-Old-Looking Footage Was Recreated With Old Photos And Almost No CG

Animated pictures give us a real insight on what people were doing before, during and after the photographic process. Unfortunately, the most common way of peeking at the American Dream& Life during the 1900s is looking at stills not real footage. To Russian animator Alexey Zakharov this isn’t a problem, as he brought to life vintage photos showing US cities in a charming little montage #fotomagic

By using a technique where he slices up photos and carefully animates some of the elements – cars, people, horses – Alexey gave the impression of a real black and white movie.  New York, Boston, Detroit, Washington, D.C., and Baltimore can be seen in his project “The Old New World”, above.

The only elements of CG complete the overall look of the age creating smoke, water and weather.

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