boston dynamics spot robotic dog rampage website
Smart Life

This App Lets People Control Spot the Robot Dog On A Rampage – And Boston Dynamics Are Not Ok with It

Ever since that Black Mirror episode with robotic dogs hunting down humans, some people have looked apprehensively at Boston Dynamics’ Spot the robotic dog.

Now, a company called MSCHF Product Studio put Spot’s controls in the hands of the Internet – visitors to could use this robot dog to take down some works of art and go on a good ol’ destructive spree…with the latest tech.

“We’ve put a Spot in an art gallery, mounted it with a .68cal paintball gun, and given the internet the ability to control it.

We’re livestreaming Spot as it frolics and destroys the gallery around it. Spot’s Rampage is piloted by YOU! Spot is remote-controlled over the internet, and we will select random viewers to take the wheel,” said the creators on the website.

This stunt really made Boston Dynamics angry, since the company has worked hard to present robots as a force for good, instead of the destructive technology seen in so many SciFi movies and books.

That’s exactly what the makers of this website claim – that “this thing will definitely be used by police and the military to murder people” and that robotic dogs are a police’s ideal scenario against unionization.

“You never need to union bust a robot – but a robot can union bust you”, says the manifesto.

Even more, the makers say Boston Dynamics hated the idea so much, they offered them two free Spot robots if they agreed to take the gun off this one.

Here is what Boston Dynamics had to say:

MSCHF Product Studio also sells other funny and deeply cynical products, like the Alexagate, which audio-jams the microphones in Echo speakers, Holy Water-filled sneakers and more.

If you like pure, old-school chaos like the late 90s on the web, check out their official website

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This App Lets People Control Spot the Robot Dog On A Rampage – And Boston Dynamics Are Not Ok with It

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