
Watch What Happens When This Guy Ruins People’s Instagram Food Shots

shock instagram food

What’s the one thing you or your friends do when the waiter brings a gorgeous plate of food at the table? Get your phone out and snap a shot of it! The food looks often too delectable not to be shared with your friends and Instagram followers. It’s a pleasure to see all the likes piling up – it almost makes the food more delicious. Unless, one of your friends is a spoilsport like this social media star #mobilemagic

Kevin Freshwater has a really wicked sense of humor. Lately, he’s been having the time of his life annoying his friends when they’re out in the town. The minute they receive their fancy order of dinner, brunch or dessert, and he notices they’re framing the perfect food shot, Kevin goes into action. At the last possible moment, when his friend is about to push the shutter button, this guy mushes the meal with his fork.

He simply destroys the cake, burger or cookie with zero remorse. Of course, the reactions of those seated in front of him range from shock to frustration to pure anger.


But Kevin doesn’t care… he does it just for kicks and likes, of course. Who is he kidding?!

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