
TikTok Announces $375 Million Worth of COVID-19 Relief Initiatives and Funds


Gen Z’s favorite social platform, TikTok, is now putting in some serious money towards fighting the coronavirus pandemic and helping those affected.

In total, TikTok pledged $375 for multiple initiatives designed to help alleviate COVID-19’s impact.

Of that amount, $250 million will go to a few relief funds, $100 million will be ad credits to support small businesses and $25 million will be invested in ad space for public health information by NGOs and authorities.

The $250 million is split thus:

  • $150 million for the Health Heroes Relief Fund
  • $50 million to distance learning initiatives from nonprofits, educators and professional experts.
  • $40 million for the Community Relief fund

The last $10 million is for the Community Relief Fund as well as a donation match by the company – anything TikTok users donate, TikTok will put in an equal amount up to that sum.

“We are committed to playing our part in that global outpouring of mutual support and giving.

We want to magnify all we are seeing across our community and translate it into concrete relief for those most affected by this crisis,” said TikTok President Alex Zhu in the announcement.  

Recently, Apple Music has quietly created $50 million to support indie music labels and PC gaming company Maingear created ventilators for COVID-19 patients.

Those are just a few of the most recent examples of that outpouring of mutual support Zhu showcased.

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