Smart Life

Turn Apple Watch Into a Bedside Alarm Clock With This Glass Orb

Let’s face it – between relying on a traditional bedside clock or on our Apple Watch, most of us choose the latter. That said, not everyone is comfortable wearing it during the night or squeezing their eyes to see those blurry numbers in the dead of night. So, one team thought of a simple, minimalistic solution to turn the Apple Watch into a no-nonsense bedside alarm clock.

Enter NightWatch, a simple glass orb that turns the Apple Watch in a nightstand alarm clock by proximity. The concept is incredibly simple: take a piece of polished lucite in the shape of an orb and use it to enhance the Watch’s display and sounds.

In the back of the orb, there’s actually a slot to charge the Watch during the night and keep it close to the preculiar device.

In order to show the time, you simply have to tap the glass and the Apple Watch’s sensitive display will come to life. The glass sphere will also work as an acoustic amplifier and make that alarm impossible to ignore.


Update 6/22: added link to Amazon store.

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Turn Apple Watch Into a Bedside Alarm Clock With This Glass Orb

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