
Uber Might Be Planning To Invest in Autonomous Scooters and Bikes

Uber Jump

It seems like Uber is putting some serious thought into expanding its brand name to two-wheeled services. According to a report coming in from The Telegraph, Uber is currently hiring engineers for a ‘micromobility robotics’ team.

This new team will be trying to devise ways that will improve safety and rider experience as well as ‘operational efficiency of our shared electric scooters and bicycles through the application of sensing and robotics technologies,’ as it was stated in the Uber Google Form that was seeking information from people who are interested in career opportunities.

This micromobility team will be working within Uber Jump – the company’s electric bicycle division. While the exact plans Uber has for its future bikes and scooters are not clear, the job description also details that the team will bring ‘sensing and robotics technologies‘ to the vehicles.

This might mean that Uber is actually aiming to create self-driving scooters and bikes. With Uber facing rivals such as Lime and Lyft, such a technology would definitely put them at the forefront of the industry.

For the time being, the company has not made any official comments.

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