
UPS Tests ‘Smart Lock’ Technology For Apartment Deliveries

Credit: UPS

Thanks to the rise of e-commerce, we have also seen an increase in a type of crime made by individuals commonly called ‘porch pirates’ – people who steal the packages left by delivery companies outside their homes.

In order to reduce this type of crime from happening, many companies, such as Amazon, have tried to come up with different solutions such as delivery lockers installed in apartment complexes.

Amazon has also confirmed last year that it was working on a system that would allow them to deliver their packages while people were not home.

The system would allow the Amazon drivers to enter home or apartments and deliver the packages while being recorded. Needless to say, not everyone is delighted at the idea of having a stranger able to enter their homes so easily.

UPS has also decided to enter the game, though their approach is a little different: the pilot program the company is rolling out will only deliver to large apartment buildings and the workers will only be limited to enter lobbies or delivery rooms.

The units are equipped with Latch smart locks that open for UPS drivers only when a delivery is scheduled. Every device also comes with a camera that records the drivers entering and exiting.

The pilot started in Manhattan earlier this year and UPS plans to expand the program all across the U.S in the future.


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