
Valve Steam Deck Still on Track to Release February

PC: Valve

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Valve has released an update on their Steam Deck confirming to the early adopters that it is still set to start shipping February 2022!

The Steam Deck represents Valve’s attempt at entering hybrid console-market as it is essentially makes PC gaming portable. Very much like the Nintendo Switch, it will also have the ability to “dock” into a PC.

While initially set to release Holiday 2022, due to global supply chain issues the console had been delayed to February 2022. Even with continued production and shipping issues, however, the first wave of the console will still release by the deadline.

In the same post, Valve also announced their Steam Deck Verified program. This program will allow Steam Deck users to have immediate information on the compatibility of any game within Steam’s library with the Steam Deck.

There are four categories of compatibility: verified, playable, unsupported, or unknown. These categories are assigned based on the game’s ability to have full input support, support default resolution of the Steam Deck, be a seamless experience on the Steam Deck, and support the Proton system. Games which are verified check all these boxes while games that are playable will have a list of compatibility details. Unsupported games, like Half-Life Alyx which requires a VR headset, will not be functional and unknown games are those games which have yet to be reviewed by the Steam team.

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Valve Steam Deck Still on Track to Release February

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