4 day work week

World’s Largest Trial of a 4-Day Workweek Shows Why More Companies Should Switch to the Model

New results are in for the world’s largest trial of a four-day workweek and the experiment continues to be a resounding success.

According to The Guardian, out of the 61 UK companies that are doing a 6-month trial to see if a 4-day workweek can help productivity, 56 of them have extended the trial – including 18 companies who made the move permanently.

The main arguments for the 4-day workweek include increased productivity and work satisfaction, improved work-life balance, decreased overhead and other costs for businesses, and the potential for more creative and innovative approaches to work. Additionally, research has shown that a 4-day workweek can reduce employee burnout and improve mental health.

The UK trial started last June and has been promoted by 4 Day Week Global, a not-for-profit organization founded in New Zealand. 

The Guardian report notes the positive outcomes for both employers and employees that were seen during the trial, and how other countries and organizations are also beginning to explore this type of scheduling.  When we last heard updates of this experiment, in September 2022, most companies saw productivity actually increasing, despite employees working shorter weeks.

The success of these trials suggests that businesses should look for more creative ways to structure their working hours – and indeed, how employees are excited about this new way of working that allows more free time.

Hopefully, we’ll soon see more countries and workplaces adopt this new model.

Image via HBR

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World’s Largest Trial of a 4-Day Workweek Shows Why More Companies Should Switch to the Model

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