
Wow: Someone Just Ran Doom Eternal with xCloud… On A Fridge Door!

doom eternal fridge door xcloud

The “But can it run Crysis?” joke in PC gamer circles evolved into “It runs Doom”.

After a guy managed to run Doom on a MacBook Pro touch bar and this Roomba that can turn your house in a Doom map, here comes Doom Eternal played on a fridge.

Yes, you read that right.

Someone managed to take Doom Eternal, one of the most hyped games in recent memory, and make it play on the door of a Samsung smart fridge. 

Richard Mallard managed to sideload the Android version of the Xbox Game Pass app onto his Samsung Smart fridge. 

This is particularly cool because, even though xCloud seems to be running in portrait mode, Mallard played Doom Eternal in the correct landscape mode. 

And, as we said before in the review, this is probably one of the best games you could play this year. 

What’s decidedly not cool is the fact that a smart fridge can use xCloud before iOS users, thanks to the chilly relationship between Microsoft and Apple. 

As you probably know by now, Apple is currently blocking services like the Microsoft xCloud and Google’s Stadia from iOS and iPadOS.

In short, Apple wants their users to be able to download apps in the App Store, and services like xCloud and Stadia are obviously cloud-based.

Until the companies resolve their differences, you sadly have more chances to run the new Doom on a fridge than on an Apple device.

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