
Zero Motorcycles Reveals Its Electric Lineup For 2019

Zero Motorcycles

Zero Motorcycles have made a name for themselves by making electric motorcycles not only for commuters but also for dirt riders and the police as well. The brand prides itself with minimal maintenance, energy efficiency and instant torque on their bikes and they have recently announced their 2019 lineup.

The best improvement is range – its S and SR models that have the $3000 Power Tank option are capable of 223 miles of riding though the city.

The S and DS models with the ZF 7.2 battery come with a shorter range but in exchange, they go faster, thanks to a 35% horsepower kick.

All these new models have a Long Term Storage Mode, which basically optimizes the battery so it will last longer even if you put your bike away for the winter months.

There’s also a Charge Tank option that allows you to charge your bike 600 times faster, if you take advantage of the Level 2 charging stations.

Zero Motorcycles / YouTube 

The bikes get a few cosmetic upgrades as well, which aim to make the bike a bit more robust as well as more comfortable with things like a taller windscreen, tank grip pads (to help keep your thighs in place) and a 12-volt accessory socket.

Prices? Well, you can read the breakdown below if you’re interested in a purchase:

  • Zero SR: $16,495 (120 miles), $19,390 (150 miles)
  • Zero S: $10,995 (60 miles), $13,995 (120 miles) $16,890 (150 miles)
  • Zero FX: $8,495 (27 miles), $10,495 (54 miles)
  • Zero FXS: $8,495 (29 miles), $10,495 (57 miles)
  • Zero DSR: $16,495 (105 miles), $19,390 (132 miles)
  • Zero DS: $10,995 (53 miles), $13,995 (105 miles), $16,890 (132 miles)

If you can afford them, and you’re cool with not shifting anymore and not getting your hands dirty and greasy when doing maintenance, these bikes are definitely ready to deliver on that.

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