
Nintendo-Related Promotions Coming to IKEA, Holiday Inn in China

PC: Nintendo

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Console gaming is tough within China, Nintendo partnering with Tencent in 2019 to bring the Switch to the Chinese public. While the partnership has steadily led to an increase in sale within China, it appears that Nintendo and Tencent are looking to increase visibility in China.

According to a report Nintendo Life, the two companies are partnering with IKEA and Holiday Inn Hotels in China to expand the reach of their marketing. There will apparently be playable demos of Super Mario Party within each location.

Tweets from Senior Analyst at Niko Partners Daniel Ahmad (via Nintendo Life) show these setups in China. At the Holiday Inn, it appears that the game will be playable in the lobby while in IKEA, several showrooms will have the game set up for people to play while shopping.

Ahmad states that these demos are targeting a demographic which is not as familiar with console gaming as other large markets. The placement of the games and consoles within family-friendly, home-like environments help make the Switch more approachable.

These promotions will run until August 31st. It will be interesting to see if these will result in more sales and, if so, how other similar promotions may make their way to different countries.

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Nintendo-Related Promotions Coming to IKEA, Holiday Inn in China

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