
Android Nearby Share Is Finally Here to Rival Apple AirDrop

google nearby share feature launch (1)

We’ve been expecting Google Nearby Share for a bit, ever since the initial leaks, and now the feature launched with quite a lot more than expected.

Once you open it, you’ll be able to quickly send and receive files with friends around you. You’ll see a list of devices around you and, once you pick one, the owner will be able to accept or decline your Nearby Share.

The feature will use multiple protocols to transfer the files as quickly as possible, switching between Bluetooth, Bluetooth Low Energy, Web RTC or peer-to-peer WiFi.

google nearby share feature

Unlike Airdrops, where many shenanigans and pranks happened, the Nearby Share launches with some useful privacy settings. You can stay hidden, available to all contacts or select visibility so only some contacts can drop files in your phone. 

You can also share files anonymously.

Nearby Share already started rolling out to some Pixel and Samsung phones and Google says they will add a lot more devices “over the next few weeks”.

After that, in the following months, Nearby Share for Chromebooks will also be available, allowing you to easily transfer files between your laptop and phone.

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