Smart Life

Apple Set a Launch Date for Their Self-Driving Car

Photo by Chris Barbalis on Unsplash

Apple is finally making progress with their self-driving car. The company is rumored to have set a timeline and launch date for the vehicle.

Project Titan, as the endeavour has been called internally, moved at a snail pace until now. Many changes at executive level made progress impossible but, according to one report, this is coming to an end.

Apple has completed much of the work needed on a new, custom processor for the car, which was a vital component for Project Titan to become a reality. Now, the team wants to test the chip on a fleet of vehicles in California and discover whether it can provide “stronger safeguards than what’s available from Tesla and Waymo.”

As for the Apple car itself, this is being imagined as a spacious vehicles, limousine-style with a large iPad-like display at the front. There will be no steering wheel, implying Apple is targeting it as a truly self-driving car. The OS running in car will be very similar to iOS, incorporating Project Titan in the unmistakable Apple ecosystem.

The hope is that the first Apple car will be out of the production line in 2025, only four years from now. When it does, the company plans to sell it to individuals, much like Tesla, instead of putting an entire fleet to the disposal of a service like Uber.

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As for the electric energy required, Apple apparently doesn’t intend on creating a proprietary charging system for it. Instead, it is more likely to make it compatible to CCS standard. That’s an unexpected move from Apple’s part but a welcome one for buyers everywhere.

Until Apple confirms this rumors, nothing is set in stone, of course. Project Titan has been sketched, discussed and altered so many times before it’s hard to say whether Apple will stay on this course or not.

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Apple Set a Launch Date for Their Self-Driving Car

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