
Australia Set to Ban Huawei Due to Security Concerns

Credit: Karlis Dambrans / Flickr

Australia is reportedly set on banning Chinese company Huawei from supplying the country with telecoms equipment for 5G networks. Their concern regards sensitive data.

The ban was reported by Reuters and it mentions the fact that Australia’s concerns are about Huawei’s ties to the Chinese government and the possibility that the company might have to hand over any data the country’s government demands in order for it to be used for espionage.

Other countries, such as the U.K, Canada and New Zealand, have put in place safeguards in order to make sure no Huawei product that comes in contains any mechanisms that allow them to collect information or do any type of secret monitoring.

The company promised that it will give Australian officials complete oversight over the 5G equipment, but the response was not positive regardless of Huawei’s seemingly good intentions.

Huawei’s position on the market is already shaky due to its previous ban alongside ZTE by the U.S government regarding national security concerns.

In addition, Australia’s relations to China have been on the rocks for a while now as well, after Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull accused Beijing of intruding in Canberra affairs. In response to that accusation, China decided to slow down a few Australian imports.

Even so, the company has won a contract in the country which allows it to build and maintain radio services. They will serve the rail network in Perth by delivering voice and data services. The project is set to start later this month and is scheduled to finish in 2021.

Read more about the U.S ban on Huawei and ZTE here!

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