
Banks on Alert Over Samsung Galaxy S10 Fingerprint Reader Flaw


It has been recently reported that some Samsung Galaxy S10 users, specifically those who have set up third-party screen protectors for their devices, have encountered some issues with the fingerprint reader. More specifically, the fingerprint reader allows pretty much anyone to gain access to the phone. 

Since the risk is serious and the defect is confirmed by the same Samsung, some banking institutions around the world have begun to restrict access to their respective online banking apps to these devices.

Most apps that no longer work on Samsung Galaxy S10 are from UK banks, where the case broke out following an article in the popular newspaper The Sun. But there are also interventions by Israeli and South Korean banks .

An example was provided by an UK Redditor, who was prevented from using its bank’s mobile application on their Samsung Galaxy S10 smartphone because the app had been deleted from the Play Store.

A pretty aggressive preventive measure but at this point, it simply seems like the only way to thwart the threat of other, more unpleasant situations. Most banks are quite adept at taking up unorthodox decisions when it comes to protecting their customer’s savings and that is not necessarily a bad thing. 

The Korean electronics giant has announced that it will release a software fix this week but nothing has popped up on the radar so far. 

Until Samsung will find a solution to the situation, it’s advisable that, if you own a Samsung Galaxy S10 or a Note 10, you remove the fingerprints saved on it and rely on the use of a PIN code instead. 


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