
French Agency Just Made An Interdimensional Portal With ARKit

nedd arkit portal

Apple’s ARKit seems to have unleashed something in developers. If many were keen to create VR content and avoided AR apps before, now the roles are being reversed. All of a sudden, there are plenty of mixed reality demos that could evolve in full-fledged games and apps.   The latest to catch our attention shows portals to other dimensions can open in the middle of the street #realitymagic

One developer at Nedd, a French consulting agency specialised in brand strategy, made his idea reality with Apple’s ARKit. He created a way to enter a different dimension, provided you have an iPhone or iPad with iOS 11 (the OS version that will put AR in everyone’s hands this fall). It doesn’t matter where you’re standing, you can simply slip in another world.

This video uploaded by Nedd on their Twitter account stands as proof:

Pretty fun, right? Apple’s developer kit for augmented reality is capable of analyzing the scene captured by the camera and detect horizontal planes. By doing so, it can place objects on established locations. Moreover, the software is able to use the camera sensor to apply the right amount of light on virtual objects in order to make them part of the real environment.

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