
Halo Infinite’s New Alien Race, Voiced by the Adorable Gyoza the Pug

halo infinite gyoza pug sound design

The sixth installment in the blockbuster Halo series will provide you with an audio treat for the ages.

Halo Infinite, 343 Industries’ latest game, hired the adorable Gyoza the Pug as a voice actor.

Prepare for the gurgles and burps of a pug as you face down alien enemies – while Master Chief will have the voice of the legendary Steve Downes, his opponents will be voiced by this rare pupper, owned by the Technical Art Director from 343 Industries.

Gyoza, also the name for a Japanese pork and cabbage dumpling, is definitely the cutest sound design hack we’ve seen or heard so far, though, if you consider the types of enemies Halo usually throws your way, the end result might actually turn up a bit more sinister.

Gyoza the Pug definitely doesn’t sound like a Covenant or Promethean enemy so, if you want to jump at some speculation, it stands to reason that Halo Infinite will bring a new alien race.

So far, the only known details about Halo Infinite is that it will bring Master Chief back as the star.

According to an Xbox representative, it will also try to recapture the feeling of the earlier halos.

To see the end result and Gyoza’s character, we’ll have to wait until the end of 2020 and the Xbox Projet Scarlett next-gen console

Of course, Halo: Infinite will also be released on Xbox One, so there’s no need to plan for an upgrade just yet.

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