Here’s the Gen Z of Entrepreneurs: The 2020 Young Innovators to Watch Awards at CES

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CES is all about innovation and Living in Digital Times, an events producer there, just unveiled the next generation of entrepreneurs to watch. 

Chosen out of 150 applicants across North America, these four Gen Z acrossentrepreneurs won the 2020 Young Innovators to Watch Awards, an all-expense paid trip to CES 2020 to showcase their work, $1,1000 in cash and a tablet. 

Here is who they are and what they’ll present and don’t worry: we’ll be there to see what the teens are contributing to the future.

Saihaj “Sage”Khanuja, 16-year old and Nikolas Ioannou, 16-year old fromIssaquah, WA, worked together on Spira, a biomedical device named Spira that screens for respiratory diseases.

Then, there’s Alishba Imran, a 16-year old from Mississauga, NY, who is the creator of HonestBlocks, a medication tracking app built on Hyperledger Fabric and Composer that aims to stop counterfeit medication.

Sofia Ongele, a 19-year old from Santa Clarita, CA, created ReDawn, an app designed to help and guide survivors of sexual assault. 

The last winner from the list is also from CA. 

Stanley Liu, a 16-year old from Arcadia, won the award for the invention of The Immunoessence Chip, an inexpensive microfluidic device for integrated plasma separation and sensitive multiplex biomarker detection.

As you can see, these are exciting biomedical applications, so stay tuned, we’ll try to see if any of them are on display and report back our findings.

In case you missed it, the CES 2020 Innovation Award went, for the first time ever, to a cannabis company.

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