Smart Life

Huawei Replaced Smartphones With… Pig Farming AI?

Looks like Huawei replaced smartphones with pig farming technologies on their list of priorities.

That’s not as crazy as it sounds when you think of the fact that Huawei has been pushed into searching for new revenue streams after the U.S. hindered their smartphone sales.

As you know, Huawei has been placed on the Entity List which means their partnerships with U.S. companies ceased, and their right to import components for 5G models was taken away. So, one of the top smartphone vendors in the world had to limit their efforts to 4G phone models with a Huawei-made app store.

These changes have turned into a 42% drop in sales. In this context, Huawei turned their attention to cloud computing services, wearables, and smart cars.

First up, AI. AI for pig farming, more specifically the biggest industry of its kind being located in China. Here, Huawei will supply farms with technology that can track and identify pigs, as well as to detect diseases and monitor their weight and diet.

This will definitely fast-track things, bringing that sector into the future. And it won’t be the only one to get tech treatment.

Huawei announced the opening of a mining innovation lab in northern China’s Shanxi Province to help workers go about their day in a safer, more efficient way.

Don’t worry – Huawei hasn’t left the phone industry yet. In fact, it could surprise us soon with a smart vehicle, possibly before Apple gets the chance to launch their own.

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Huawei Replaced Smartphones With… Pig Farming AI?

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