
KFC Made An Internet Escape Pod With A Ludicrous $10,000 Price

internet escape pod kfc

KFC has always been a fan of ways to blend their products with technology. Remember one of their boxes turned into gaming controller? Or the red, branded smartphone they launched in partnership with Huawei? Plus, they were one of the first fast-food chains to use facial recognition in their selling process.  Well, now, KFC has come up with an even bolder proposition – an Internet Escape Pod. #objectmagic

That’s a fancy name for a… huge Faraday cage, very similar to an igloo in shape. The dome construction is made out of steel and stainless steel mesh, with high-density foam and enamel paint. For a bit of customization and fun, KFC has even added a Colonel Sanders on top of it, protecting you and your dear ones of evil electromagnetic fields.

The Escape Pod weighs eight pounds and would almost be a cool addition to the home of a KFC fan if it weren’t for the ludicrous price. The fast-food chain is making only one unit so the price to purchase one is… drum roll, please… $10,000! No, we didn’t add more zeros than we had too. Because of that, we’re convinced it’s a marketing stunt and nothing more.

I mean, sure, if you have buckets of money laying around or have a taste for the eccentric, you can talk to them and get the Internet Escape Pod. Otherwise… there’s really no reason to do it. Even if you’d want to keep away from the Internet, you could do that by switching your devices off and just be.

But could you go through the day without being connected? And if you could, after how many hours you’d give up?

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